Thursday, November 18, 2010


On my way to Trafalgar Square today I stumbled upon the Churchill War Rooms (
It was tucked away underground, I'm not a huge fan of Churchill but decided to go in anyway (mainly because of the underground part)
It was extremely bias but interesting nonetheless

If you answered no if would show you all these articles about Churchill's great leadership and then ask you if you had changed your mind ha

some wartime graffiti
this was on the wall of one of the meeting rooms, it's a map of the world but someone had drawn a picture of Hitler on it

That corridor is cut out of solid concrete
the man at the end was very nice, I helped him and his friend and we went on to become great pals

the pins represent ships, all of the little black dots are holes left from pins meaning that the ship was sunk or attacked, the area was infamous for german underwater mines

Churchill's bedroom, he slept there twice.
It was one of the biggest rooms in the whole place

this is what sits on top of the war rooms

me and my boyfriend Trafalgar