Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Our second day in France was also Melanie's father's birthday so we had a very healthy breakfast of croissants and pastries and set out for Versailles.
I figured because we were going to a palace it would be acceptable for me to wear wedges...
we arrived to find a delicious layer of melting snow on the ground and a line that would have taken hours!
We decided to skip the indoor tour of the palace and just venture around the grounds and later drive to Marie Antonette's farm.

Versailles has been on my list for quite a while so today was so fantastic even though we didn't go inside.

After Versailles we drove back to Paris and bid farwell to the Casier's. We met Krystle and Ace for a late lunch. As we were sitting there I was spotted two familiar faces walking past the cafe (Peter and Helen Mahoney) so I ran outside to greet them leaving everyone at the table very confused. We arranged to met later as Luani and I were staying with them later.

When we arrived at the Mahoney's we were given the grand tour which was followed by a walk around the Eiffel tower and along the Seine with Helen while Peter worked his magic in the kitchen upon our arrival home we were treated to Peter's superb cooking and were given our first lesson in cutting cheese


after our 10.00 flight to Charles de Gaulle and train to Invaledes we met with Krystle and Ace, packed our overnight bag and set off to meet up with Melanie and her parents at the top of the Champs Elysée.
Melanie's wonderful parents then took us to l'auberge Dab for a fantastic French feed after my Terrine de légumes, vinaigrette de tomate, Filet de merlan, beurre de pistache, pâtes fraîches, Assiette de fromages, bouquet de salade,crème brûlée à la cassonade et vanille bourbon and a lot of wine I was ready to bo-peep so we head back to the car where Melanie's father gave us a driving tour of Paris, making a special stop at the Eiffel Tower to watch it sparkle.
we then drove home for some well deserved, food and wine induced sleep

Monday, December 27, 2010

Paris Paris Paris

I love it!

Luani has all of my Paris photos

The End of an Era

and so ends our visit to Leeds.
Thank you Andrew, Helen, Ben, Matthew and all of their friends and extended family for making us feel at home.
We love you guys and will miss you all immensely!
Matty, Thank you for teaching me all about Ben10 and for keeping Luani in line
Ben, Thank you for watching Top Gear with me and teaching me to be a gracious big sister
Andrew and Helen, we can't thank you enough, you've been like the caring parents we never had (haha) seriously, we've loved every second here with you!
and will hopefully be back soon
I just hope Ben let's me come back and isn't too mad when he finds the 60 odd taylor swift and Hannah Montana songs I've put on his ipod as a special christmas treat.

thanks again Sugars,
we love you guys x

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Australia

After chatting with The Brisbane Barges, Grandma and Grandpa, and the Hawkins I think I'm ready for bed and equally as ready for to excitement that is tomorrow... CHRISTMAS

Dick Whittington

Yesterday the Sugars took Luani and I to our first pantomime, Dick Whittington.
admittedly we were both a little skeptical about it but we really enjoyed it!
We were in the second row, so Matthew and Ben were both able to hi-five two of the actors. It was a hilarious performance, the Sugars have already booked to go again next year.
We then had dinner at Pizza Express where we all lost yet another round of the name game to Andrew

Matthew Sugars

Mattew: Boys don't wear skirts
Luani: Scottish boys do
Matthew: My dad's scottish
Luani: Isn't he Australian?
Mattew: He's Australian and psychotic

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ice Skating

Last night we were taken on an enchanted walk with the Sugars followed by ice skating and hot chocolate

Take a close look at Matthew's face, he's loving it!

Andrew told Matty that he had ordered him a poo poo sandwich so there were lots of tears until Matty saw that he was getting a hot chocolate