Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Battle of Mona

In the Louvre we of course went to see Da Vinci's portrait of Lisa Gherardini (Mona Lisa) but we weren't expecting there to be such a crowd. I decided to battle the masses and work my way through the hoards to get a photo of her so in I went as Luani stood back by the Wedding feast of Cana. I was in there for a good twenty minutes, don't ask Luani because she'll lie anyway, after being pushed stood on and elbowed in the head more times than I'd care to remember I made it to the front of the crowds only to have the camera decide it wasn't worthy to photograph her. Despite my best efforts he just wouldn't take a photo so I had to resort to my phone because there was no way I was fighting my way out without a photo.

I call the following sequence The Battle of Mona

All of that effort to have her blocked by these two and their fat heads

This photo is so bad but I feel that the story behind it makes up for its poor quality.

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