Friday, January 14, 2011


Today we arrived in Istanbul and already have many many stories to tell!
but for the time being I feel I should quickly post these Paris memories before I forget them:
-most of them revolve around Krystle's questionable sanity

sorry about the changing tense

1. It was our first day in Paris, we (Luani, Ace, Krystle and myself) were sat in a cafe talking about earth shattering things when Krystle said well nothing's as earth shattering as finding out you didn't have a hyphenated name.
I ignored her comment to begin with because I thought it was just a joke or a saying she'd come up with but somehow it was brought up again so to explain why she'd said it Krystle had to tell the story in full...
Throughout all of her life Krystle always believe her name was Krystle-Leigh. For all of her school assessment and well anything she had to write her name on she would use Krystle-Leigh. When introducing herself she would say 'I'm krystle-Leigh but you can just call me Krystle' all the while thinking she didn't have a middle name. In her final year of schooling her father was filing out a form for Krystle's QCS Test and wrote Krystle's name as Krystle Leigh. She was so confused and couldn't understand why her dad hadn't inculded the hyphen so she confronted him about it to find out that her name didn't have a hyphen, for all those years she'd been living a lie! Bombshell

2. As a child Krystle would carry around tic tac container of ear buds pretending they were cigarettes

3. New Years Eve in Champ de Mars,
Krystle: Oh! I don't know where to look!

4. Playing monopoly, every round Krystle would sit back on her chair playing with her hair, completely oblivious to the game but come her turn she would sit up, look around the board and ask, 'now who's on my property?'
-The only person she could ever catch out would be Ace but he was always in jail so it was always in vain

5. At church the pastor was speaking in English but had a French translator on stage. Krystle was pretending to be French so would wait to laugh at any jokes the pastor told until after they have been translated into French
-she hadn't told any of us this is what she was doing which made it so much funnier when she explained it after church

6. Krystle's heading to London later in her trip so we asked if there were any specific museums she wanted to see, her response was the wax museum.

7. Krystle: I just realised that my sister's going to be going through puberty at the same time my mum will be going through menopause and I could be pregnant! BOMBSHELL

8. whenever crossing roads in Paris Krystle stuck to the advice given to her by the Bevacquas which was to walk with authority. She was so happy with herself so I couldn't bring myself to tell her that it doesn't really count if you only do it when there's no traffic or the green man's flashing

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