Sunday, January 2, 2011

Louvre with Peter

If ever there was a good time to have a pocket historian, our trip to the louvre was it.
and who better to have as a pocket historian than Peter Mahoney?!

We set out early in an attempt to beat the queue, unfortunately so did everyone else.
Peter took us around to see Venus de Milo, the winged victory, Mona, The wedding feast of Cana, The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I and the Crowning of Empress Josephine, Liberty leading the people, Michelangelos Slave and so so so much more! We lunched in Cafe Mollien on the landing of the Mollien staircase and lucked out with the best seats in the house overlooking the Tuileries gardens.
At lunch Peter gave us lessons on how to take photos in places where photos are forbidden;
using your iphone, open camera and hold it up to your ear as though you were on a call and maddly press the 'capture' button
(We later had the pleasure of witnessing Peter's sly photo taking skills in Rome, it was hilarious, so obvious that he was taking photos and not one of the photos worked out)
In most other galleries it's the eyes that follow you around the room, but surrounded by sculptures in the louvre, it's the bottoms that follow you.

It was a fantastic day of bombardment and I loved every second of it!

ain't no party like a louvre queue party

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