Thursday, December 16, 2010


Yesterday Lars and I went to Cambridge to visit and stay with Lauren (a friend and coleague of Lars') Lauren is from the US but has lived in the UK for five years so her accent changes from American to British and almost sounds Australian at times ha
she was great fun, and didn't draw breath from the second we met her until we left today.

She cooked us a delicious risotto for dinner and then insisted that we needed to experience a true Cambridge Pub so we went to The Empress and tried some 'real' apple cider.
The Pub owner, Dave has pigs and rabbits which he keeps in pens out the back of the bar and apparently lets them lose when the pub is quiet.

I spent the day today with Lars in the city centre
We went punting down the River Cam in the freezing cold and toured St John's College (it was the only open college ha)
Lars had to go to a meeting later in the afternoon so I wandered around for awhile but after about two hours the snowfall and wind began to get the better of me so I decided to head back to London on the train.
I felt like a delinquent run-away when I bought my one-way ticket to London haha

It was snowing when I got back to London, I called lars to find the snow had gotten much worse in Cambridge so he's still stuck in traffic now.

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